Saturday, April 24, 2010
Interesting hint in the name Al Qaeda
What exactly that hints to is open to interpretation. I wonder if it signals the downfall of the world as we know it - particularly, Western civilization. Or maybe America as its representative, being that it attacked America and started a chain of events that have significantly altered the course of the country - putting it on a slippery downhill slope.
Either way, I'd love to hear what you have to say about it. Comment below and share with your friends.
Shavua Tov!
Friday, April 23, 2010
US Air Force Launches Secretive X-37B
After the launch the military went silent and would not further discuss what the craft is/will be doing. I speculate that this may have something to do with reconnaissance on Iran. Whether true or not, Iran likes to take issue at anything it remotely imagines to be a threat. I cannot imagine this launch would be any different.
With Iran flexing their muscles with war games and this launch taking place on the same day - it seems that each nation is flexing their muscles. As we all know, this will all lead to a showdown - with Jerusalem being the center of attention. May Hashem protect us all!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mussar Lesson from Neil Cavuto
After an interview with Dr. Jack Kevorkian - an infamous doctor who has assisted many patients with severe medical problems, commit suicide, Neil Cavuto has a powerful lesson. The lesson is one we all need to drill into our brains and hearts daily. Our happiness and zest of life is in our own hands (read: minds). We control not only how we feel now, but our future happiness as well. Being positive and remaining steadfastly connected to Hashem will only bring us continued Beracha and happiness. Chas VeShalom, being down and depressed will only bring more of that as well.
Being happy is not just a state-of-mind - it actually is deeply rooted in our souls and their ability to be a vessel capable of accepting Hashem's blessings. Rabbi Winston has a whole book dedicated to explaining this in detail - Be Positive is not just a blood type. I highly suggest everyone read it. I'm on it for the second time now and know people who keep it in their pocket like a Tehilim. It's that important to be positive and realize that everything is truly from Hashem and for the best.
Neil Cavuto's Message:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
In Response to How Jews are Seen - America versus the World
First of all, I appreciate the article's thought provoking insight. In no way do I want to detract from it, rather to clarify some things that may not be as apparent to all.
I must say that there is an apparent flaw in the thinking that Esav Soneh Le'Yaakov means only to physically oppress Jews. As the Holocaust and history has proven - it is the most common form, however spiritual oppression is even more powerful and permanent. This point connects what I see as two flaws in thinking together - the fact that Jews are not subject to Anti-Semitism in America and the fact that Jews intermarry and are accepted by gentiles can be considered as a yardstick to measure Anti-Semitism.
America allows Jews to live and be free; to have rights just as much as everyone else. This in turn has all-too-often caused (or even just enabled) the American Jew to abandon his heritage and his religion. While many of the generations sprouted from these original Jews are actually not Jewish, since their mothers were not Jewish, they will always be referred to as Jews. Much of Hollywood do have Jewish names, but are they all Jewish? Mostly not.
When the assimilated Jew intermarries, it may seem to be an acceptance of the Jew - which one may believe is not anti-semitism. Again, many of those "Jews" are really Goyim - and even if they are truly Jewish, what is worse Anti-Semitism than being so happy that the Jew has dishonored his own religion.
Esav gives us the rope to hang ourselves and that is how they destroy our SOUL. Nobody can argue with the fact that R' Akiva was murdered for Anti-Semitic reasons (teaching Torah publicly); yet he departed this world with his soul completely in tact - which cannot always be said of the American Jew - even some of the most religious. That is why the real Esav Soneh LeYaakov hatred is much worse today than ever. Although on the surface it seems so nice that the Jews feel comfortable in America; and the Israelis feel comfortable that America is [somewhat] behind them, there is always an agenda under the surface.
For example, regarding the Evangelicals that were mentioned: they are completely selfish, believing that when we have our own land and live there, their own savior (JC) will come as Messiah - and that he cannot come until that fact comes to fruition. That is why they fund Aliyah and are staunch supporters of Israel. No doubt part of a Divine plan to get us moving there for the REAL Geula, yet they themselves will be punished for their actions regardless as was Pharaoh even though he caused us to cry out to Hashem and pray for redemption.
America has their own agendas and even a quick glance at the book - The Secret War against the Jews can get your blood boiling. It might not always be clear, but there surely is one.
We need to walk away with the knowledge that America is the wolf in sheep's clothing. The world has tried to oppress us for years and years - physically - in ghettos, in concentration camps and gas chambers. We were warned about this in the Torah - if we waver in our faith and Torah, Esav will rise up against us. The true purpose is to make us stronger in our faith and commitment to Hashem and Torah, which often happened. Today, they have found a new way to kill us, permanently - destroying our souls. This has proven most effective as we can all attest to in one way or another. The intermarriage rate alone is staggering.
I fervently pray that Hashem open our eyes to see the truth and not be caught up in the winds of freedom that have proven so dangerous. May we all merit to see the ultimate redemption appear through peaceful means, very soon, Amen.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Erlau Rebbe on Volcanic Ash
[via: YWN]
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Volcanic Ash = Ominous Dark Cloud
If we consider the recent treatment Israel has been receiving from America, as well as the threats from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza on Israel, there are additional "dark clouds" in the air.
Maybe we are all in denial as Rabbi Winston writes in this past week's Perceptions. If so, we must realize that Hashem is showing us a sign over Europe. Many boys attempting to get back to Yeshiva have been stuck - unable to fly. Despite all our good intentions regarding making Aliyah to our homeland - the time may just come where that is no longer possible. While up until now it has seemed far-fetched, maybe we are being sent a message that it is not so. Who in their right mind would have believed such a remote possibility - grounding tens of thousands of flights in an instant?
Rabbi Winston has been writing about the "window of opportunity" for many years. It seems clear that the window is closing. The only comfort that I have, is that it has Baruch Hashem not happened yet. But those clouds and their sudden appearance have got me quite scared.
....It all happens for us to learn. Will we ever?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Swift Justice
Rabbi Brody says that the long arm of Hashem's justice reached England, who's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled just yesterday that photos of the Kotel and the Har Habayit were not allowed to be shown as part of advertisements for tourism of Israel, since they were in "occupied" territory and not Israel.
Besides the unbelievable measure for measure, the swiftness of this punishment is what intrigues me most. While exile is a function of Hashem hiding Himself and His omnipresence; Geula is exactly the opposite - a clear revelation of Hashem's presence. The swiftness and openness of today's events shows us that we are quickly approaching a more open revelation and therefore Geula is closer.
Whether the world realizes it or not, is not really important. It is only important that we, as Jews see it. Since all world events are an encrypted email to us all.
May we all merit to see the Geula with our own eyes, as it comes peacefully, very shortly, Amen.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Divine Providence - Story
When I got back to my wife and kids, I said I thought the girl's mother looked familiar. So when we walked back, I pointed her out and my wife confirmed it. She was my daughter's speech therapist who has been instrumental in her unbelievable strides talking the past few weeks. She's 2 but until recently hardly spoke.
Thinking about it on the way home, I was amazed at the Hashgacha Peratit - Divine Providence. I said she helped our daughter and we helped hers. Chesed (even as a job) never goes unpaid.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Kassam falls short and hits Arabs
Terrorist groups based in Gaza have increased their rocket fire on southern Israel in recent weeks, launching dozens of attacks and murdering one kibbutz worker from Thailand. On Wednesday of this week, Gaza-based human rights organizations spoke out – after a misfired rocket accidentally hit Arabs, not Jews.
The incident took place on Wednesday, when a rocket fired from northern Gaza fell short and hit civilian homes in the Gaza city of Beit Hanoun. Four people suffered shrapnel wounds, and at least two buildings were damaged.
The Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights blasted Hamas over the latest incident. As the ruling power in Gaza, Hamas “is legally obliged to provide protection to civilians... and law enforcement persons must take necessary procedures to protect civilians and their properties,” the group declared.
The organization has not seen fit to condemn attacks on Israeli civilians, which it terms “resistance.” Over 4000 fell on Israeli civilian areas before the Cast Lead Operation and many have been fired on Israel in the past few weeks.
Wednesday's incident was not the first in which Gaza terrorists accidentally bombed their own people. Several Gaza children have been killed or wounded by misfired Kassam rockets in the past. (
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Muslim Woman Strangled by Burqa
The Muslims today are constantly using their "voices" to get themselves rights, freedoms, etc. when they should really be shutting up and keeping low-key for all the violence that their religious kinsmen have been perpetrating worldwide. The world has, for the most part not realized that despite what they claim, Islam believes in the destruction/submission of everyone else.
Has the voice symbolically been silenced?
from: FOX
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Double Standard
America isn't far behind criticizing Israel, worse so under obama. But the recent video released by shows not only how split-second "kill" decisions are made in a wartime environment, but brings into question whether the US military may have killed innocent civilians who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
While America is standing behind their military (as Israel does), the confidence shown by the military is unbelievable. Israel, on the other hand is almost always on the defensive, even while standing behind their actions. By the time Israel completes their investigation and releases further information, the world only remembers the sensational headlines that were drilled into their heads by the media.
As many have pointed out numerous times, the truth will keep peeking through. Hashem is making this all happen and in due time, the corruption of the world will be available for all to see. It's always a double standard when Jews are involved - always to the detriment of the Jew. Esav hates Yaakov - ALWAYS.
Earthquakes and Divine Providence
While a recent report by CNN discusses whether this is actually an uncommon occurrence or not, it clearly shows how Hashem is directing these earthquakes to affect population centers, not the oceans they usually hit.
"Natural processes become disasters only when they interact with people," said Seth Stein, a distinguished faculty member at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.Apparently Hashem wants us to take note. To paraphrase the saying - if a 7.7 earthquake rattles the Atlantic, does anyone make Teshuva?
Misfortune only comes to the world for the Jewish people [to make them do Teshuva].
The Jewish People will only be redeemed through Teshuva (RaMBa"M).